We are here to help brillant young creatives shape the future
“I created BE OPEN to allow people to experience new ways of seeing. The aim is to help brilliant young creatives to shape the future.
Our commitment is to become a bridge between the great minds of our time – philosophers, sociologists, designers, architects, artists, writers, businessmen and opinion leaders — and the promising new minds of the next generation.
Through exhibitions, talks and awards we explore the four corners of the earth to find unique things, special ways of thinking and to approach creativity.
We support emerging talent, the all important next generation, because we think it is crucial that young people are exposed to inspiring ideas today, ideas they can evolve to improve on our future. The Young Talent Award is BE OPEN’s way to help young professionals being free to develop their creative thinking.
We act as an incubator for ideas, a fertile piece of land where projects can be nurtured and realized. We are planning a whole series of activities to gather ideas for innovative approahes and to help visions to come to life. Our programmes are unconventional: we want to promote growth and progress not through engineering or science, but through creativity – and design, in particular – which could become a key component to social development and is already so inherent to our lives.”

Elena Baturina, BE OPEN Founder
Elena Baturina is an Austria-based businesswoman and philanthropist, whose international career has spanned a whole spectrum of industries, from manufacturing to venture capital. Elena is a self-made woman who has built her formidable business consortium from scratch.
Elena has always been involved in charities that prioritise people and their ideas. At the core of her interest there is a deep hope to see the world become a better place by investing in the next generation.
Our mission
BE OPEN is a global initiative to foster creativity and innovation, a think tank whose mission is to promote people and ideas today to build solutions for tomorrow. It is a cultural and social initiative supported by philanthropist and businesswoman Elena Baturina. BE OPEN was set up to harness creative brain power through a system of conferences, competitions, exhibitions, master classes and cultural events.